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    Why legs swell after long journey? Video

    Without about you have seen that swell lake of the people who can back home after long journey maybe you also have had this some experience at least once especially most of the middle aged men and women based test this problem actually is this same kind of illness.
    There is a suspicious accessory between 7 spin lakes and travel in 6 or 8 hours in sitting position. Futher experiment shows that this is a illness which is called DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis.

    Two main tubes helps for blood  circulate in our body. one is called artery which take away blood from heart and other is vein  which brings blood through the heart because of the heart beat blood circulate quickly within that circulate is the one we feel as pulse. Bit when blood travel back within Vein it never Occur fastly. so in a siting position the blood circulation of vein blocked further and stays the same spot. the resultis the blocked blood clotting in deep down veins in Calt area. This Clotting situation in the veins Called as DVT

    The symptoms of this illness are the pain in that particular area Turgidity , neatness, Reediness and ganglion ob the surface. But the most important fact is 50% of patients who suffer in the illness don't show any symptoms mentioned above. Therefore to decide about this illness above symptoms are not sufficient. Not only that but also these symptoms are same for another few illnesses. Specially when a germ entered to this area you have to be careful about infection and damages of muscles as well as babonic conditions.

    So let's find out how much it can be dangerous when a blood clot occured within  vein. As mentioned above vein takes blood back to heart. Those used blood are dirty so heart send them to the lungs to purify them.(to take Oxygen )

    The problem is , the disaster could be happen if the blood clot go to the heart. In simply, heart pomp the blood clot to the lungs.

    Like this, the pumped blood clot can block small nerve or a main nerve if it is big one. The result is the main part or a small part of the lungs become inactive because of blocked blood circulation.

    This situation could be deadly one. Because of inactive lungs the patient can be died or a condition can occur which need treatments. 

    Addition to long siting hours specialty in aeno pleases. Sicknesses and medicines that patient takes are also affect to this Among them obesity, face for a major operation, pregnancy, taking birth control pills or hormone pills and chronic blood diseases can be seen.

    When you travel long it is important to use tactics such as a small walk after two three hours standing or wear Elastic bandages. However , this is a topic that you should talk with your doctor for further details. As a treatment for this illness . You have to inject medicines to melt the blood clot.

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